Carson DeSotel

(he/him) | software developer | game master

About Me

I’m a professional software engineer located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Currently working in the healthcare space as a fullstack developer. I specialize in backend development focusing on data and API tools.

Between workdays, I like to spend my time feeding as many people as I can, running Dungeons and Dragons, listening to new music, and spending time with my partner and our kitties.

Most Recent

Site Redesign

I’m giving in! Years ago, I stubbornly decided that I was better than pre-built themes and renderers. I wanted to build my own! Thankfully, the urge to roll my own website has died down and I’m now prioritizing style and usability on mobile platforms! I hope that I will find more use out of this website now, and I’ll continue posting to the blog as I see fit! Stick around!